Pandemic Diary - Beatitudes: Poor in Spirit

by Stephen W. Smith

So much is happening in the world right now. As we look around at the fear and stress this pandemic is creating, Steve wanted to address that by focusing on topics to help you nurture your soul. Steve will be posting 2 posts a week that have to do with the pandemic and how we continue to walk in faith during difficult times. Each post will correspond with a recent podcast episode that goes more in-depth on the same topic. Please comment below with any questions or prayers you may have.

Good Morning, dear Kindred Souls:

Turning to the very words of Jesus--even the "red letters" of our New Testaments can offer us hope in these days of storm, trouble and anxiety. While sitting quietly yesterday, I felt an inner nudge inside of me to turn to the Beatitudes, found in Matthew 5:1-12. These words have anchored men and women in bad times and good times for 2000 years. I believe, by focusing on these words for the next two weeks, we can find a sense of solidarity in reading the same words of Jesus and by especially sharing how these words stir inside of us. Let me offer some thoughts on the very first beatitude.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matt. 5:3)

The Message puts it this way: "You're blessed when you are at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule."

The pandemic is making us all poor; making us all lower than we've ever been before in our lives and making us feel as if we are coming to the end of our rope.

Rather than pushing our feelings down and finding it hard to put words to the inner feelings we are having, our poverty of spirit is our new spiritual economy. We have lost so much already and we are being told there is more to lose in the days ahead. But here is the heart of Jesus speaking right into our fear, panic and anxious thoughts--there is a blessing--a good thing--a paradoxical way of thinking about what is happening in us as we witness what is happening around us.

To be mindful of the blessing that can be ours as we awaken out of our weekend blurs, Monday blues and future disillusionment’s. To awaken to the blessing is ours to consider. To become alert to the inner Kingdom that God is manifesting in us through our poverty of spirit and bankrupt hearts.

Contemplative Questions:

  1. What is the blessing you are being invited to awaken to TODAY?

  2. What are you realizing that you can truly be thankful in the unfolding Kingdom of God--both within you and expanding around you in your family, friends, neighbors, church, and world?

Please limit your response to 1-2 paragraphs. Please refrain from trying to teach here but allow this to be a place to share honestly, vulnerably and authentically.

Sitting quietly before I click to post to pray for you now and that you'll take 10-20 minutes sitting in the inner Kingdom before you post here. This way, the gold in your hearts will be revealed rather than posting the first thing that comes to your mind. The first thing that comes to your heart is what we'd all like to hear.

Blessings today, Stephen W. Smith

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Potter’s Inn Soul Care Conversations Podcast is addressing many of the challenges facing us during this time. Visit our Podcast Page at