Understanding Your Limits: Saying No In Order To Say Yes Grace for the Christmas Season

Tired_Worn out_Burned out on religion_THE TRUTH SETS YOU FREEI love the words of Jesus when he told his followers “The truth will set you free.”[1] Freedom comes by embracing the truth, not by holding onto lies, illusions and myths.It’s interesting to note that the Apostle Paul wrote two different books to the same group of followers of Jesus in a city named Corinth in the Greek Isles. In the second book, we see an older, more mature Paul talk about living within limits. In 2 Corinthians 10:13, Paul explains his understanding of living life within the limits God has set for us. He writes about not over-extending ourselves.“But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence God assigned to us, to reach even to you.  The Message puts it this way:“We aren’t making outrageous claims here. We’re sticking to the limits of what God has set for us.”A limit requires a basic understanding of where you should invest yourself and where you should refrain. A limit is understanding what writer Wendell Berry calls “your carrying capacity; knowing your own “bandwidth.” How much can you work? And not how long can you work, but how long SHOULD you work? And it’s not just about work. Limits are important to understand regarding most aspects of our lives. How much should we exercise, eat, sleep, play, use technology?   How much can you carry before something is dropped?Read the rest of Steve's article on the Conversations Journal site HERE...