50 Days of Awakening into our Post Easter and Pandemic Life

The fifty days following the first Easter offer us keen and vital insights into the implications of what happened on that first Easter. These fifty days combined invite us to see, experience and understand what Jesus’ own resurrection means for us today, in a pandemic world, and as we seek to lay a new foundation for our new normal which is ahead.

The Appearance to Mary Magdalene (John 20:10-18)

After the crucifixion of Jesus, we learn through John that the disciples huddled together in a locked home out of fear of what was going to happen to them. They had just witnessed the horrible death of Jesus. Forlorn and in deep grief, they sought the solace in each other’s company. It’s often what we tend to do when a crisis happens—we want the comfort and proximity of others. But, for Mary, we find a different way of finding solace.

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