Five Benefits of Vacation

There are at least five benefits of taking time off and being away. I'm talking about the wonderful deposits we place into our souls when we take a vacation. I’m returning from four weeks off of work. Four weeks might seem like an extravagance that you cannot afford. I understand that. But for me—for us—we simply had to take this time off and had to be away. Here’s why…

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The Deepest Questions of the Soul

I believe the deepest questions of every soul are:

1. Who am I and Why am I here?

2. Who are my people?

3. What are my deepest desires?

4. Why is "this" happening to me?

5. How can I experience inner freedom?

6. What is a love that will last?

7. How can my life become sustainable?

8. What can I do with childhood wounds and deep hurts?

9. How can I learn to forgive and be forgiven?

10. What will heaven by like and how do I get there?

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Navigating the Crazy Times of Life

I am living in a “in-between time.” I have not fully arrived to the next place in my journey. It is a place of ‘betwixt and between.’ It is a hard place. It is a nominal space—a space that native American Indians called, “crazy time.” I understand that. When you live in an “in-between time”-- it feels crazy. Nothing seems to make sense—even God. Such places--such seasons of life can leave us torn, tired and weary. We can feel like something is going to happen--but not yet.

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Embracing the Winter of our Lives

It's the morning after a blizzard here in Colorado. It’s winter... not spring; not summer and not the time to do the things one does in the long day’s of summer.

So many of us simply will not embrace the ecclesiastical seasons of our lives. We are told plainly that, "There is a season for everything"...a time for this and a time for that...( Ecc. 3:1)But, many us are still trying to do everything at the same time--and I mean everything now. This leaves us breathless. This leaves us empty. This leaves us exhausted. We simply can't do everything now.

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Why Leaders Fall

One of the great needs in the market place and in the spheres of ministries is for the leaders of both businesses and organizations to have leaders that live an examined life. An examined life is a life where the heart is probed not only for giftedness and abilities  but, also for the stuff within that is deeper and mostly unexamined in today’s MBA programs and many divinity schools.

As I've said else where "shine and show" are not fruits of the Spirit and they are not what makes leadership healthy.  We sub-comb to "shine and show" when we do not look deeper; when we do not examine the quadrants of the heart of a leader.  Looking deeper requires wisdom. Looking deeper requires sage like probing and listening more to what is not said, than what is said explicitly.An examined life is a life that Socrates told us that is a life truly worth living.  He said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." And his words apply to leadership. An unexamined leader is dangerous.

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