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The Jesus Life Gathers Momentum!




 We thought you might like to read some of the reviews and endorsements coming in for The Jesus Life.  The book releases in April 2012 and the marketing for the book and message will begin in January 2012.  Hope you enjoy and help us spread the news about The Jesus Life by forwarding the blog and news to your friends!“Steve Smith always knows where the water is, and in The Jesus Life he taps a deep well. It’s embarrassing how badly most of us have missed what is at the heart of this book: that Jesus’ truth is not only in what he said but in how he lived. Our age has bred, to an alarming degree, the spectacle of connoisseurs of theology who remain mere spectators of transformation. It has produced more God-knowers than God-lovers. This book is a potent remedy.”

Mark Buchanan, author of Spiritual Rhythm and Your Church is Too Safe

 “Steve Smith cuts through the religious paraphernalia and daily clutter that obstructs our path to lives of purpose and power, and he clearly explains the simplicity of The Jesus Life in the Kingdom of God. He has deep insights into how we have come to live the way we do, in church and out. With refreshing realism and wide-ranging knowledge, he helps us identify dear illusions that bog us down and introduces us to simple steps and arrangements that enable eternal living. The directions he gives are self-validating. We have only to ‘just do it.’ The Jesus Life would be ideal for real spiritual progress in small groups in church and in community. Serious individual engagement with it will bring assurance that the life praised in our songs and scriptures can be ours.”

Dallas Willard, author of The Divine Conspiracy

 “I hear so many Christians despairingly cry out, wanting to know why they are not experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promised. In The Jesus Life, Steve Smith crafts a way back to finding this life. If you are hungering for this life, get this book and read it!”

Bob Arnold, executive director, Metro-Maryland Youth for Christ

“I have made it my custom to search for books that escort me onto the path of deeper repentance. I do this because Acts 5:31 calls repentance a gift and because Martin Luther rightly counseled that ‘our Lord and Master Jesus Christ … willed the entire life for believers to be one of repentance.’ The Jesus Life advanced my steps toward deeper repentance. This book bade me press truth into the cracks and crevices of my life for a much-needed turning from self and to Jesus. I am thankful for Stephen’s good work.”Joseph V. Novenson, pastor, Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church“The Jesus Life stands to become the trusted primer on following Jesus well. It’s a rich meal, well prepared. Give yourself to this book and you’ll feel like you’ve got a hand to hold, a cheerleader, and a reliable guide on the only path that really matters.”

Paula Rinehart, author of Strong Women, Soft Hearts and Better Than My Dreams

 “The Jesus Life is a link between knowing Jesus and living Jesus.  Steve Smith uses the daily experiences common to us all to guide us into the absolute livability of Jesus.  This book is thoughtful and engaging -- every page introduces us to a life that is rooted in Someone who is the beginning, middle and ending of all our stories.  After reading this book the Jesus life became more than a book title.  It is becoming an accessible way of life that I long for with renewed hope to be the sum and substance of my story.” Sharon A. Hersh, M.A., LPC, sought-after speaker and author of many books, including Bravehearts, The Last Addiction, and Begin Again, Believe Again.“We’ve tried everything to live life to the fullest only to find out that we lost the way life was meant to be lived. Steve Smith shows us eight practical ways Jesus lived his life that will help us recover the life that we have lost.”

Mark D. Linsz, treasurer, Bank of America

 In The Jesus Life, Stephen W. Smith provides a profound new contribution to our traditional understanding of discipleship. When we first come to Jesus, either as a new convert or to affirm a faith we’ve grown up with, we are asked to “commit our lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.” To this faithful proclamation, the doors of heaven open wide to us. Unfortunately, however, many of us understand this commitment primarily in doctrinal or belief dimensions. No one explained that commitment to Jesus as Lord includes the commitment to His way of life. Traditional discipleship programs teach us what to believe, how to study the Bible and pray, and how to live a moral life, but they leave off how to live it out in a way that leads to abundant life. Stephen W. Smith provides biblical and practical ways to live into abundant life the way that Jesus modeled it. The Jesus Life is an essential read for all new believers and, because most of never learned this other half of discipleship with we became Christians, it is an essential read for the rest of us as well.R. Thomas AshbrookImago ChristiAuthor, Mansions of the Heart