5 Reasons I Still Struggle with Sabbath

When we live a blurred and hurried life, at the core of our busyness is an illusion that kills the life within us!Ever since I was a boy, I heard about the 10 Commandments.  Most of them made sense but one still messes with me until this very day. Here are five reasons I still struggle with Sabbath:

  1. I still believe in the illusion that I don’t need to stop.

As a type “A” personality, I have to face it: Going is better than stopping. Doing more seems more doable than doing less. Pausing, stopping, ceasing and resting are not in my mother tongue’s vocabulary. I speak “Let’s get ‘ur done!” Since working hard was modeled for me as a boy by the men in my life, I absorbed an ethos that I now see, decades later, has wreaked havoc in my soul and done violence to my life by choosing to always to more—not less—at least one day a week. 

  1. I sometimes do not believe in the sovereignty of God.

 When you stop for one day a week, we are given the opportunity to lean into the sovereignty of God. I take my hands off the plow, off the keyboard; off the gear-shift of my high octane life and let go of trying to control my life. Sabbath gives us one day a week to take the hands off of the control shift of our life and to surrender to the spiritual act of letting go. I have to face the fact that in my core, I want control more than I want to let go. To practice letting go—for one day a week—is perhaps an ultimate sign that you really do trust God more than you trust yourself. 

  1. I don’t really believe in my well-being. I believe in my well doing more!

 Doing more always costs us. Always being “on” and always being “available” costs a person their well-being. When we are in our 20’s and 30’s we push and strive. We achieve and perform. In our 40’s we begin to question this credo—yet secretly because we don’t want to be labeled “normal” or average. If we do more, then perhaps we believe, we can finally arrive. But well-being is state of being that requires a day a week to cease; to enjoy—to delight in something other than work and performance. 

  1. It’s easier to work than to rest.

 Keeping a day as a Sabbath is one of the 10 Commandments. God knew from the beginning that we would work, strive and live by the sweat of our brow. So when we practice Sabbath—we are practicing one of the oldest spiritual practices ever given and known to humanity. Just as we are told not to kill, steal and cheat on our spouses, we are told to rest one day a week. To choose to practice Sabbath is to intentionally chose to resist our culture. [tweetthis]Sabbath keeping, for me, is counter cultural as well as counter-intuitive.[/tweetthis] Sabbath keeping does not make sense to so many of us. As we lean into this ancient practice, we soon realize that God’s ways are truly not our ways. We would never cease; never stop; never Sabbath and that is our undoing. It has been my undoing in my life, my fathering and my being a husband. When I practice Sabbath, I am reminding myself “I do not want to be undone any more. “ Sabbath helps me really live. 

  1. Money seems more powerful than trust.

 At the root of Sabbath is the power of mammon—money. God’s intent in helping us rest is to help us put money in perspective. Money is not really everything. Money does not define us when we are burned out and used up. The rival God of the 21st century is money and Sabbath keeping deflates the over-inflated ego of the dollar—no matter what currency you use. When we Sabbath—note I uses this as a verb and not a noun—we live with bigger goals in mind and heart. Money intoxicates the soul. Sabbath puts everything into perspective. When we Sabbath, we live smaller lives and being small, one day a week is a very good thing for the soul.  For more help on Sabbath and living a rhythm of life that sustains you, and doesn't drain you, please get and read Chapter 5 of Inside Job: "Exposing the Lie of Being Balanced." Order the book here and get started!  Order Inside Job and the accompanying workbook here!

Combating Busyness!

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXbYBtvqW1Q[/youtube]I'm convinced of this one thing:  the pace of life that we are presently living is not sustainable. The wheels are going to come off the bus of our lives--and in many lives--this has already happened. Lives that once resembled someone who was truly alive now looks like carnage!Constant availability is going to "do" us in. When we're always on, always wired and always available, we never have the opportunity to refuel our souls. We live our lives on empty and through the barrenness and emptiness of our lives--we have the audacity to call our lives--the abundant life.Living in a perpetual state of busyness is not the abundant life. Jesus had something MORE in mind when he alone promised a life could be enjoyed that was "rich and satisfying."Here are five things you can begin to do now to help you get off the hamster wheel and foster the abundant life:1. Take short breaks during each work day to move away from your desk and take a brisk walk.2. Pull away from social media for extended blocks of time. Rather than constantly checking email, Facebook and Twitter, use 15 minutes blocks to check in and interact.3. Practicing sabbath--one day of total rest and pleasure is the kingpin of all life sustaining spiritual rhythms. Be a sabbath keeper this week! What day will work?4. Plan on a life-giving meal with 2-3 of your most life giving friends. Linger together over a meal and enjoy the conversation!5. Spend 15 minutes a day in silence--without silence it is virtually impossible to live the spiritual life. When we're still--we hear from God! It does take time to de-clutter all the voices of the inner heart to begin to listen but this is why it's called a spiritual discipline. ------------------------------------------“Steve Smith cuts through the religious paraphernalia and daily clutter that obstructs our path to lives of purpose and power, and he clearly explains the simplicity of The Jesus Life in the Kingdom of God. He has deep insights into how we have come to live the way we do, in church and out. With refreshing realism and wide-ranging knowledge, he helps us identify dear illusions that bog us down and introduces us to simple steps and arrangements that enable eternal living. The directions he gives are self-validating. We have only to ‘just do it.’ The Jesus Life would be ideal for real spiritual progress in small groups in church and in community. Serious individual engagement with it will bring assurance that the life praised in our songs and scriptures can be ours.”

Dallas Willard, author of The Divine Conspiracy

  For more on this subject, please refer to Chapter 2-3 of The Jesus Life! Pre-Order here: http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Life-Recover-Authentic-Christianity/dp/143470064X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330623836&sr=8-1