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The Illusions of Christmas


If there ever was a time when our hearts are gripped with illusions—this is it! An illusion is some ideal that snags our hearts. It’s what we dream of—it’s not what really is.

We may dream of having a “White Christmas” or happy family time and then we discover that what we’re experiencing is more like hell on earth.

Christmas is filled with a strange assortment of myth and truth. The bright lights and sugar coated candy canes confuse us to what may be a long, bleak journey into a winter season of our lives.

A couple of years ago, we traveled “home” to North Carolina with visions of sugar plums lodged in our head. When we arrived at home, we stayed in a “staged home that was for sale.” It was empty of warmth and decor. Our families were so busy. Our friends were already booked up. It seemed like we were on our own, even though we were suppose to be with loved ones. That trip didn't work. It was crammed full with illusions. It wasn’t what we had in mind when we booked out plane tickets and made our reservations. But it was what it was.

One of  the most freeing and liberating exercises we can undertake is learning how to dissect our illusions and sort out what is myth and what is truth.  After all, it is the truth that sets us free—not illusions and certainly not myths.Here’s what is true:  God saw us all in our long, bleak spiritual winters. He sent his only Son, born of a virgin to be a stellar sign that something was up and that we need to pay attention.  What was up was simply this: God was now made flesh and it all converged in the baby, Jesus.

What we celebrate and that is worthy of celebration is the truth. Not illusions.Christmas may not be what you really want it to be—for what you’re hoping for may just be illusions.  But the truth of Christmas is something to light a candle for and sit in some quiet to yet, again receive the Christ child in our midst and sigh, “Silent Night, Holy Night.”

May your heart be calmed by the truth and may all of our illusions fall apart in the New Year. May we find ourselves grounded in the truth of God’s love and compassion for each one of us.

And with this, I say, Merry Christmas to all of our friends, family and supporters!